
Perusing Pixels is a photo diary of my expedition through the Tomb Raider series. Use the links to the right to find a particular game or level, or see below for the latest post.

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Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Did I mention this is a hiatus?

Hello, fellow Raiders! (Tombies?)

It occurred to me recently that not all of my readers may have liked my Facebook page, so I thought I'd better state the obvious here as well:  Perusing Pixels is currently on hiatus, but it is a hiatus I hope will end soon.  I have all the pictures for the next level, it's just a case of transferring them from the old hard-drive to the new one, writing about them and posting them.

Of course, transferring the pictures means my husband taking a break from the fifty million jobs he burdens himself with.

Writing about them means me taking a break from taking care of my baby, cleaning the house and looking for a job.

Of course, posting means...oh, no, actually, posting is pretty easy.

Forgive me, dear Tombies (Raiders), for neglecting you so long.  I hope to be back very soon.

- Twin Pistols