Favourite / Least Favourite Level
Choosing a favourite level is difficult, as they all have their merits. Highlights include Obelisk of Khamoon (for its sheer beauty), Atlantis (for puzzles and traps) and Sanctuary of the Scion (because hey, I love climbing). Natla’s Mines also holds a special place in my heart thanks to how creepy I used to find it when the deathly silence is interrupted with that deep, southern accent muttering “ain’t nothing personal…” followed by the sound of gunfire.
Least favourite? Well, it’s not exactly terrible, but I did tire of Colosseum fairly quickly.
Favourite / Least Favourite Enemy
For ease of killing (and because they’re so damn cute), my favourite
In terms of genuinely scary and awesome, my vote goes for the panther mummy. I don’t know why I find the panther mummies scary than Atlanteans. I think I’ve just always found mummies a little eerie.
Favourite Weapon
Well, there’s only four, and the only one I didn’t use is the shotgun because I never seemed to have a lot of ammo for it and I didn’t want for it to run out in the middle of shooting something. The Uzis stopped things trying to to eat me / incinerate me the quickest, so they win.
Favourite Puzzle
The best puzzle is the Atlantis’ doppelgänger puzzle; suddenly being faced with a horrific fleshy version of Lara is just so unexpected.
Favourite Music
I don’t think it’s any exaggeration when I say that Nathan McCree is the greatest musician who ever lived. The worst of his Tomb Raider compositions are still so mind-blowingly fantastic that they make me fall to my knees in admiration and awe at the wonder that is his work. If I had to chose a favourite for this game, however, it would be this one; the short theme that plays when you enter the main room in St. Francis’ Folly.
Favourite Scene
Anything with Natla in is always good; the FMV straight after Sanctuary of the Scion is my particular favourite.
Scariest Moment
I thought it would be Atlantis, but actually, I found the Egyptian levels to be the scariest. One stand-out moment was when I was shimmying above some doorways in Obelisk of Khamoon and I just knew that if I let go I would be mauled to death by panther mummies.
Most Emotional Moment
I cried over a deceased crocodile in St. Francis’ Folly, although I was drunk at the time. However, last time I played the game I was got quite chocked up over the underwater statue room in Sanctuary of the Scion, because I forgot it was there. So that gets a special mention.
Favourite Outfit
Well, considering the choice is between Lara’s classic look and the casual crop-top and parachute pants she opts for at home, I don’t really think there’s any contest.
Like I spent my time intentionally killing Lara!…okay, well, I may have jumped on the hand of Midas a few more times than I needed to…
wounds but there’s nothing in them to
prevent you turning into gold?
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